The North Carolina Private Protective Services (PPS) has approved the use the Quest application to obtain references easily and securely via an electronic form for all new license applicants. The process is relatively simple but does require you to actively manage which individuals you want contacted and how to contact them.
How It Works?
The CRC licensing platform will provide an individual or corporate user who selects a PPSB License - New (5 Years) license designation with the ability to manage references. This process is engaged after your initial background check request has been submitted and operates separately from the background check.
You are required to obtain 5 references to submit with your application for a new license with the PPSB. The Quest system allows you to provide up to 8 active references and will complete after the first 5 references are successfully submitted. Once your background check and references are complete, you will be able to submit your full application to the NC PPSB through the Permitium platform.
Your background check and reference report will only be provided to the NC PPSB when you submit your application through Permitium.
Providing Reference Information
To provide your initial reference information, you will need to locate the link labeled “Manage References” on your Account Home page.
- For individual users, this will be located at the bottom of your order information.
- For corporate users, this will be located in the last column of your orders information.
- Click “Add Another”
- Provide your references details:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email (optional if you plan to email the link yourself)
- Relationship
- Select how to notify reference
- Have the system email them:
- If you want the system to email them, an email address for the reference will be required on this page.
- I will email them:
- After saving the reference’s information you will be taken to the list of references for this individual.
- Click “View/Get Link” to pull up the link you can send directly to the reference.
That’s it! Once you have received 5 responses to your reference requests the reference report is complete.
What the Reference Sees
When the Reference clicks the link, they will be taken to a page asking if they are willing and able to provide a reference.
If they click “Yes”
- They will be taken to a page where they can answer the reference questionnaire.
If they click “No”
- They will be taken to a page where they can select why they are declining.
Other Info
What happens if a reference does not respond or I want to discontinue/update a reference?
- At any time during the process you can stop a reference, update the references information, or add a new reference. The only limitation is that you cannot have more than 8 completed/active references at one-time and the application will not allow you to make changes after the completion of 5 references.
Can a reference decline to provide a reference and how will I know?
- The email that is sent by the Quest application will include an option for the reference to decline. The reference is then surveyed as to why they did not continue with the process. That information (if provided) is made available to you through the Quest application and an email notification is immediately sent to your email.
Will I be charged for each reference I provide?
- No. You will only be charged $20 for the execution of this service.
3 Paths to Submit References
- Individual User
- Corporate User
- Applicant Invitation via Corporate User